Brandon Letsinger

Envision Cascadia Online Organizer Summit

I am excited to share that we’ve begun our Envision Cascadia Online Organizers Summit to help grow the Cascadia movement. With more than 120 participants RSVP’d, I’m excited to host online virtual unconference of breakout sessions for the next two weeks that focus on building the Cascadia movement every day.

Right now, the groups are:

  • Artists & Creatives: Let’s make art!
  • Bioregionalism Articles: Writing, collecting and sharing articles about bioregionalism.
  • Bridging Cascadia: Making sure that Cascadia is relevant for all the communities within Cascadia, including indigenous sovereignty and fighting white supremacy.
  • Let’s Map Bioregions: Drawing, tracing, mapping the worlds bioregions and ecoregions.
  • Policy / Issues: Focusing on what the government and bioregion of Cascadia should look like, using existing models or creating our own.
  • Resilience: Disaster preparedness, mutual aid, gardening, tools, DIY & resources for a more resilient bioregion.
  • Secession / Independence: Removing ourselves from our current governments for an independent bioregion.
  • Sharing Cascadia: Posters, campaigns in our neighborhoods. Digital & In person ways to spread the movement.

Initial breakout sessions will happen April 21-24th, and again April 27th-May 1st, with lots of groups and organizing teams growing out of it, and organizing events for May. If you haven’t had a chance yet, or would like to get involved, learn more at – we’d love to see you there and can’t wait to talk more!

Calls will be made using Zoom to start with. In addition, notes will be recorded via google documents, and sent out via email. Each group will have an email listserv set up for anyone who wants to stay up to date, and also a group in our Cascadia CoCreator network.


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